Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 10, 2018, Mortar Attack

Greetings to all of you who are still following this blog!

Today, I ran across a  website that is related to some of my photos, posted previously.

It tells the more detailed story about a mortar attack that occurred in January, 1966, that resulted in the death of an Airman. I added the link to this blog as: "Mortar Attack, January, 1966".

I posted 3 photos that I took of the damaged USAF pick-up truck on June 30th, 2017, "Battle Damage".

Below is an aerial photo, I borrowed from that website, showing where the mortar strike and death occurred. I lived in the "H" shaped barracks, furthest to the right, across from the Petroleum, Oils, & Lubricants (POL) storage area. However, I was not there at the time of the attack, as I was working nights on the grave-yard shift (1900-0700 hrs.) in the main USAF hangar on the flight-line.