Today, I will be up-loading my remaining photos of the propeller driven cargo aircraft that the United States Air Force used in the early days of the Vietnam War. Less exotic and exciting, perhaps, than the jet fighters, they were, nevertheless, essential for logistical support. In specially armed gunship configurations, they also provided ground support.
Included in this batch will be the C-47 Skytrain, C-97 Stratofreighter, C-118 Liftmaster, C-121 Constellation, C-124 Globemaster II, C-130 Hercules, and the C-133 Cargomaster.
I posted photos of the C-123 Provider, earlier.
The C-47 Skytrain was first introduced in 1936! Initially called the "Skytrain", the venerable C-47 (Douglas DC-3) has also gone by several other aliases such as "Dakota", "Gooney Bird", "Spooky" and "Puff the Magic Dragon". Regardless of their age, they have served many nations around the world. Some of them are still flying, today!
C-47 parked in front of the USAF hangar at Da Nang Air Base. |
This South Vietnamese C-47's wings and tail provided welcome shade for its former passengers, awaiting ground transportation. |
Insignia of the Royal Lao Air Force. |
Royal Lao Air Force C-47 receiving some engine work. |
A C-47 at dusk. |
A GE Minigun installation on an AC-47 gunship. |
C-47 awaiting loading of its passengers and cargo. |
Unlike my moldy slide, passengers stayed dry under this S. Vietnamese C-47's wing. |
Pilot and co-pilot of a S. Vietnamese C-47 waiting for the monsoon rains to clear, before departure. |
A South Vietnamese Air Force C-47. |
Different paint schemes on this C-47 line-up. |
A South Vietnamese C-47 assigned to transport one of their Major Generals. |
A Curtis C-46 Commando followed by a Douglas C-47 Skytrain. |
A C-47 and 2 HU-16s during monsoon season. |
An AC-47 equipped with 2 GE Miniguns. |
A C-47 landing. |
A C-47 gets some engine work under the lights. |
A C-97 being unloaded. |
C-97 ready to be unloaded. |
Sunset over a C-97 and C-124. |
A C-97 viewed from a flight-line guard tower. |
Rear view of a C-97, with Hill 327 in the background. |
A C-118 on final landing approach to Da Nang Air Base. |
A C-118 from Norton AFB, California. |
A C-118 takes off. Runway guard tower and Hill 327 are in background. |
An antenna laden C-121. |
Nose art on a C-121. |
A commercial cargo Constellation, taxiing. |
A Military Air Transport Service (MATS) C-124 Globemaster II. |
Example of how cargo was loaded/unloaded on the C-124. |
After January, 1966, MATS changed to MAC, as can be seen on this updated C-124. |
A C-124 and C-97 at sunset. |
C-124 beginning its take-off roll. |
A C-130 taking off. |
A C-130 and runway lights at dusk. |
Two C-130s on the flight line. |
A C-130 tail with revetment area in the background. |
Rear view of a C-130. |
A C-130 parked on the flight line. |
Unloading a C-130 surrounded by a C-47, F-101, C-135 and an F-4. |
A C-130 in camouflage with Hill 327 in the background. |
A C-130 preparing to land. |
Camouflage paint scheme on a C-130
A C-130 just landed. |
A C-130 in hangar with all 4 engines removed. |
C-130 tail silhouette. |
Propeller removed from a C-130. |
A C-130 taking off. |
A MAC C-133 being serviced on the tarmac. |
A C-133 taxiing. |
A C-133 taxiing. |
A C-133 taxiing.
A C-133 taking off. |
(Updated today, Aug 14th, with 3 new photos of the ageless C-47 I just found that I had misfiled with some A-1 Skyraider photos.
A USAF C-47 Skytrain, in camouflage. |
USAF C-47 (AC-47) gunship at dawn. Hill 327 in background. |
C-47 Skytrain silhouette. |