My next batch of photos includes shots that I took of General Westmoreland, Senator Ted Kennedy, Johnny Unitas, Frank Gifford and Sam Huff.
I had absolutely no prior knowledge that any of these individuals were going to be on the base, so I was not prepared. As I accidentally stumbled onto them, fortunately, I either had my camera on me, or I had quick access to one.
I understand that Senator Kennedy had flown in on General Westmoreland's specially appointed C-123 "White Whale" to visit South Vietnamese refugee centers in Da Nang. I happened to have my Minolta 16 mm camera in my pocket, that day, and I was able to snap off a few shots of him while he was on the tarmac. I apologize for their horrible quality. That camera took half-way decent photos, but the film apparently was very difficult for the photo finishers in Da Nang city to handle. Even the negatives were all scratched and dirty.
I don't have much recollection of General Westmoreland's visit or how I happened to spot him heading out for departure on the flight line. I think I read somewhere that he was an avid fitness buff and was extremely competitive in tennis. The rumor was that he had injured his left wrist while playing tennis, thus the cast.
One evening, I decided to go over to the Base Theater to watch something or other and have a bag of popcorn. After a steady diet of C-rations, the popcorn was actually the greatest incentive for going to the theater. C-rations in the Chow Hall, grilled cheese sandwiches at the Airmen's Club and popcorn at the theater were the menu choices during those days.
Sorry, I digressed...
When I got to the theater I noticed a crowd of guys surrounding 3 men dressed in khakis just hanging out outside the theater. Being an avid NY Giants fan, naturally I recognized Sam Huff and Frank Gifford. But there wasn't a football fan anywhere in those days who did not know who Johnny Unitas was! I found out later that they were on a USO sponsored tour of various bases in South Vietnam. I ran back to my barracks, retrieved my camera and took the photos of them shown below.
Sam Huff with Frank Gifford (only his eyes are showing) |
Frank Gifford and an unidentified aviator.
Johnny Unitas looking straight into my camera.
Johnny Unitas having a laugh with unidentified Airman. |
Sam Huff and Frank Gifford chatting with Airmen. |
Frank Gifford provides his autograph. |
Senator Ted Kennedy draws a crowd on the flight line. |
Senator Kennedy speaking to an unidentified civilian. |
Senator Kennedy's "ride" - Gen. Westmoreland's White Whale. |
Senator Kennedy being greeted by unidentified civilian and possibly a USAF officer (The Base Commander, perhaps?) |
General Westmoreland and entourage preparing to depart Da Nang Air Base. |
General Westmoreland with left wrist in cast. |
General Westmoreland en-route to his C-123 "White Whale" aircraft. |
General Westmoreland having a few final words before boarding. |